How you attach search help to data element? : sap abap data dictionary
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Find the scenario and give the result: a, b, c are employees, where a, b will get basic, hra, da. C gets basic and da. How to group for the allowances? : sap abap hr
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18 Answers HCL, Mahle, TCS, Wipro,
In interactive reporting, suppose i go to N'th list from basic list(primary data) & i wanna come back directly to basic list. So how can i achieve this without using ESC or back button?? Is it possible using set screen 0??
I have 3 transactions,where the output of one transaction is input of another and output of 2nd transaction is input of 3rd transaction.i have one flat file with all data for the 3 transaction.if the 3rd transaction failed can we rollback the remaining 2 transactions or not.Is this possible in BDC,How/
list the important field symbol?
what is index and types in indexes?