While doing bdc exp va01 transaction sometime in the item level data shows only 4 items and other times it will show 6 line items, how will you maintain this kind of screen resolutions scenerio? : abap bdc
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Hello All ABAP Experts I am new player in ABAP field will you guide me. 1.How to check the program?(whether we have to put values of output in respective table plz explain) 2. How to show table links by reading technical specs ie., if we put vbeln from vbak to vbap we get plant no etc show by example 3. step by step process of abap debugger?After setting break point how to see internal table value field value etc
how can i change rows inot columns in the finaldisplay list
1 Answers Bristle Cone, IBM, TCS,
What are local objects?
What is the difference between get and get late?
What are logical databases?
what can u do in UTP?
What is the meaning of ABAP editor integrated with ABAP data dictionary?