What do you do when the system crashes in the middle of
batch session?
If we put Top of Page in between Start-of-selection and End-of-selection and what happenes
In the MM module for finding out the standard cost what is the view one has to look at?
when we are using at new?should we use this inside the loop or outside?what will be the effect?
What is the difference between collect and append statements?
Find the scenario and give the result: a, b, c are employees, where a, b will get basic, hra, da. C gets basic and da. How to group for the allowances? : sap abap hr
How to transfer legacy data into base tables by scheduling a time frame using bdc?
To how many tables can an append structure be assigned. : abap data dictionary
for uploading master data(ex:customer data) into sap, which methods you prefer? call transaction/session/lsmw/bapi? why?
How to eliminate duplicate entries in internal tables? : abap data dictionary
Suppose the client wants me the vacancy to be displayed on a website as well as ess. How should I do it? : sap abap hr
what is difference between occurs1 and occurs2?
What is the diffrence between RFC & normal Function module?