What do you do when the system crashes in the middle of
batch session?
Can we handle two transaction codes in the same program using call transaction bdc input method? : abap bdc
Cds views
Internal table itab contains some records. If the code is like this : LOOP AT ITAB. APPEND ITAB. ENDLOOP. What ill be the result??
in which situation we use user-exits and badi's?? with example
How will you insert record in a sorted table
13) How to get POPUP SCREEN in a program?
1.If there is one receiver,then To send 10 materials at a time through BD10 tcode, How many Master Idoc create? 2.If there is one receiver,then To send 1 material at a time through BD10 tcode, how many Master Idoc generated? 3.Can I Send Multiple Messges through BD10 tcode?
how many types of interfaces are there in abap ?
can u create more than one selection screen?
8 Answers Bristle Cone, Cap Gemini, HP, Satyam, Wipro,
Explain what are the problems in processing batch input sessions?
plz can any one list out the set of questions on support project. I am waiting for ur reply
Explain the advantages of different types of bdc's?