How can we use multiple transactions by using bdc_insert? : abap bdc
Explain the different types of mode (run code) in call transaction method?
How do you get the Sales Order (S.O) No. from the Delivery Order?
when does end-of-page stmnt triggers in reports.
loop at itab. IF <cond>. Continue. Endif. Endloop. If continue triggers what will happen, it comes out of loop and endloop for further loop pass or just comes out of IF and Endif.
ABAP : Classical reports events name
What is a 'z' report?
When writing BDC for MM01 how do you take care of views?
what are the differences between scripts & smart forms?
What is match code? : sap abap hr
What is modularization and its benefits? : abap modularization
Append structures in tables, what happens when version is upgraded ?
How to read files and process BDC's automatically ?