Why do we declare a method of a class final? What can be the purpose? Give a scenario.
What is up-casting and down casting? with example
How can u transfer the data from one itab to another without using move & write statements?
wat are the process that can be executed & tracked in a workflow?
User ‘A’ put the Exclusive Lock for one table and User ‘B’ want to put the Shared Lock for the same table. Is it Possible?
What are the ways you can do the tuning?
What is a bsp application? : sap abap hr
Which bdc you prefer? : abap bdc
What is meant by read lock? : sap abap data dictionary
What is append structure?
What are the other modules integrated with om? : sap abap hr
Suppose the client wants me the vacancy to be displayed on a website as well as ess. How should I do it? : sap abap hr
Explain badi in abap.