How many types of size categories and data classes are there? : abap data dictionary
What are the differences between domain and data element?
Are their any types in LSMW?If yes then what are they?`
What is Macro
Hello All ABAP Experts I am new player in ABAP field will you guide me. 1.How to check the program?(whether we have to put values of output in respective table plz explain) 2. How to show table links by reading technical specs ie., if we put vbeln from vbak to vbap we get plant no etc show by example 3. step by step process of abap debugger?After setting break point how to see internal table value field value etc
In BDC, data transfer is done success in foreground mode but if we done the same in background mode it shows errors. What is the reason?
What is the purpose of BAPI 'BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE'? Write a sample program.
What is occurs in internal table?
what is Cross Applications?
What are the events used in abap in the order of execution?
What are the differences between macro and subroutine?
out bound process code for quotation?
What are different ABAP editors? What are the differences?