What are the field and chain statements?
Name the special commands of list?
Hi Everyone, Can one any explain the situation where we can exactly use the events and also explain the diff. between LIKE AND TYPE. Am new one of sap-abap. Thanks in advance Jaya DS
when u prefer lsmw?
How to Handel Duplicate entries in LSMW.
Use SET PF_STATUS which is in the FM reuse_alv_grid_display to set the button
what is the use of 'split' in BDC? Is it related to some tab adjustment to the flat file during BDC?
why abap/4 is 4th generation language ?
4 Answers Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited,
How do u know that updation is successful in BDC
Define infotype ? : abap hr
what is the use of select for all entries in an internal table?
What are Major differences in Smart forms and Scripts
What are the functional areas? User groups? and how does ABAP query work in relation to these?