What is alv programming in abap?
what is the pre-requisite for read statement and can we read the standard table using read statement
How to give programe name as input in BDC report of abap ?
In scripts, i have 10 address lines there were blanks in between rows how can i avoid those
what is the difference betn end-of-page and end-of- selection?
How to write a bdc – how do you go about it?
Suppose there is a secondary index on 4 non-key fields A,B,C & D. There are 3 select queries :- a) one on basis of A, B, C , D b) Second on basis of A, B, C c) Third on basis of D, C,B, A In which all situations , the above secondary index will be used?
how to find Bapi? and Badi?
How you will catch errors in call transaction?
What is roll area?
What are the disadvantages of abap query tool?
Difference between /N and /BEND?
What is the t-code to display batch input sessions? : abap bdc