What are pooled tables? : abap data dictionary
can u add a new view to the existing view?
2 Answers Bristle Cone, Cap Gemini, HP, Satyam, Wipro,
Name some system global variables you can use in abap programs?
difference between batch input and direct input and call transaction ?
It is not possible to create an abap/4 program, which contains only subroutines. State true or false. : abap modularization
3 types of buffering techniqes. 1.bufering not allowed 2.buffering swithed on 3.buffering not allowed but switced on what does it means?
java script for push button in adobe forms.
How do u know that updation is successful in BDC
What is the typical structure of an ABAP program?
Explain the difference between a pool table and a transparent table?
what are the differences between SAP R/3 4.7 and ECC 6.0 from ABAP Point of view?
What primary key and foreign key relationship
I want to disable a field in selection screen so that it does not appear while displaying.How can i do that?wat wud be the code?