3 types of buffering techniqes. 1.bufering not allowed 2.buffering swithed on 3.buffering not allowed but switced on what does it means?
2 18639Post New Nesters Interview Questions
What is 'cross join'? Or what is cartesian product?
Explain the concept of the batched operating systems?
What is the main difference between binary and counting semaphore?
What is overflow and how it's happen
Can we declare a function inside a function in c?
What will happen if iselignored attribute is set as false?
Provide an example of how you adapted your approach to accommodate a patient's cultural beliefs and preferences.
What are the different levels of orm quality?
How has your college experience prepared you for a career at Wegmans Food Markets?
what is difference betweeen operator overloading & operator overriding?
Difference between uniqe index and uniqe constraint?
Can you override functions in python?
What are the advantages of passing name-value pairs as parameters?
You want to open and read data files with perl. How would you do that?
What is the difference between a product cost collector and production order?