Difference between select option and ranges ?
what is the difference between functional spec and technical spec
Can a function group share its subroutine with all its function modules?
What are roles and authorization objects?
say in selection screeen (ie is in select-options) i have selected record range from 1000 to 2000 but in the final display list i sholud not get 1200 to 1300 records it should be hide how is it posible
what is the BAPI to get list of quotations for a customer? what is the BAPI to view the details of a quotation?
hi experts, "move 'I' to s_ktokd-sign. move 'EQ' to s_ktokd-option." Can any one please explain me meaning of two lines? actually we use this move key word to move a value from one field variable to another field variable? i didn't understand the meaning of these statements?
what is the transaction code for creating a quotation of sales order
What is the difference between Classic badi and Kernal badi ?
How can we display multiple alv's without using containers?
Hi Friends, I want to learn sap sd module as it has to be learn to get job in sap platform. I have seen many institution not imparting training as it has to be impart. I want to learn SD Module with running Business Scenario CIN (Country Version India) Realtime Projects (implementation & Support) I want sap realtime data for reference, practice Please help me out
Difference between call by value and call by reference? : abap data dictionary
How do you get output from IDOC?