Difference between call by value and call by reference? : abap data dictionary
In MPP,i have to create a input/output Button when i click ther i have to move some other transaction How?
Can I execute user exits? If yes, how?
can i use table key and key in an internal table and explain the functionalities of each one and what functionality does it give if both are used for same internal table
difference between session and lsmw difference between bdc and lswm why u choose bdc instead of bapi
How you will send mail from one SAP system to other SAP system?
what are the Performance technic you used?
Hi Gurus How do u do performance analysis means and what is the diffrence between extended syntax check and code inspector and how do use them to test the performance of the any abap program ?
give the all step of workflow process step by step
In material report output,if i click on any material i have to open MM01 with that material in the field how?and from mm01 screen i have to come out what i have to do?
How Calculate TOTALS,SUBTOTALS in ALV Reporting?
Explain what are the events used in interactive reports?
what is macro and function?