what is the transaction code for creating a quotation of
sales order
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How do you restrict the data to be entered in the payroll area? : sap abap hr
what is search helps..How many types are there?
What is the difference between function group and function module?
What is meant by performance analysis? Have done anything to improve the performance?
What are the standard macros do we use in HR ABAP
Is exit a function module?
You are given functional specs for a BDC program and you need to decide whether to write a method call transaction or a session. How u will decide?
how to debug user exits?
what is basic diff b/w 4.7e and ecc 5.0. or 6.0?any one knows please give me exact answer?
what happend if a select statement inside aloop....
What is pseudo comment (#EC) and How it is different from normal comments(i.e. '*' and '"')
In Realtime, how you get flat file for BDC session method.. through email or any other source? Who will send you flat file..your team lead or project lead or project manager etc?