The max number of calling modes stacked at one time is?
how to handle events in classical reports?
1) If the scripts are client dependent, what above driver program ? (client dependent / independent) 2. I have two pages, In one page I want address, Header, Main & footer. In the second page I want only Main. How to do it? 3) Will 50,000 records be uploaded directly into APP's Server? 4) What is the button to change the variant in ALV ? 5) If your project is support project ? when is your implementation has completed ? 6)In start of selection, if we perform validation, what happens ? 7)How to join 3 tallies & looping. We have developed a program in a client say (200- client) and 210 has test data. No developing rights. How to test data? 8)How to transfer data which is coming from are report as output to another report 9)How to create standard text and how do u transfer it ? 10)What are the views when we are creating Material ?
Can we define our own match code id's for sap matchcodes? : abap data dictionary
what is basic difference between BDC&dialogprogramming? what is basic difference between reports&dialogprogramming?
Types of windows and Difference between them in Scripts
What is pnp-sw-found ? : abap hr
Do you know any other patterns if yes.. explain
What are the input parameters to be passed to the BAPI 'BAPI_QUOTATION_CREATEFROMDATA'
What is repository info. Systems?
What are the ways you can do the tuning?
3. After running a BDC program in background, next day morning when you see the results, few records are not updated(error records). What will you do then?
Output type is not selecte automatically with billing type ...Pls solve this issue