there is no schdule line upto date?.where u have to difine
schdule line and assine.
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Answer / rajiv trivedi
Schedule line is determined by
Item Category
MRP Type
Schedule line category
Check IMG->Sales & Distribution-->Sales->Sales Document-
>Define & also check assign
Check what is your item category & whether it is assigned
to schedule line or not. If you made new item category
(without copying) then you must have to assign to schedule
line. If copied, it will be automatically assigned.
Trust you need this answwer.
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Answer / subha
the basic purpose of schdule line is to to check for
avilability check and delivery date . SO it is defined int
e sles document and sales order based on which the system
identifes the delivery date on which the goods are to be
picked up for delivery from the concerned shiiping point
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Answer / ashok kumar sahoo
Schedule lines are nothing but customer intended delivery date plus(+) quantity to be confirmed (for a lin e item in the sales order).
Schedule line category is controlled by schedule lines category itself.
Ex: Deterministic MPR = CP
Check IMG->Sales & Distribution-->Sales->Sales Document-
>Define & also check assign
Ashok Kumar Sahoo
I Disk Solutions
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Answer / nag
i like to add this confirm quantity of material , movement type which is use for reduce the stock levels
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