How many clients we will create in land scape (like in development server, quality server, production server )
Hi guys, I am new to sap sd , I am facing the problems when creating customer A/c with t code xd01, 1. i was created ac group,number ranges and assigned ac groups to no is working ok . 2. i did the partener determination procedure but it is not working can u give clear view of it. 3. when i was trying to create customer system showing partner functions in different language , where can i set language. 4. my main question is when we join the org we are going to do the configu job or what would be our role in sd , ( like we are going to create SO, delivery doc, invoices or anything else) Please guys provide me the clear picture on it bcas i am very confused ( every thing is given by the sap what we are going to do in that ) advance thanks to every body, i am eagerly waiting for your answers.
what does "update" means in Automatic credit control? How you can use it?
What is backorder processing or partial delivery?
Some BBilling Questions 1) Whether Billing update the document flow & billing Status? 2) Can you change proposed Billing Type (Froom Sales Order) while creating Billing Document? 3) Can you use an Invoice to refer an order and delivery at the same time? 4) Can you generate debit and credit memo with reference to delivery? 5) When you process an invoice correction and you change the quantity, the system also update the stock quantity and value in the balance sheet. Is this true or false? 6) Should you create delivery after cash sales or not? 7) With delivery related billing the system will copy only data from delivery or both sales order + delivery? 8) Whether SAP system allows you to include both order related items & delivery related items on the same billing document? 9) Which can be changed before an accounting document is created? *Billing Date *Pricing date *Billing Value *Account Determination *Output determination 10 ) How you can identify in Billing whether it is order related billing or delivery related Billing? Rajiv Trivedi SAP-SD
what is ticketing tool? what is SODA?
Relation ship between sales organization, plants and company codes?
Have you worked on any Functional Specification doc recently? Have you done any development work/ assignment recently? The Interviewer asked me this question in an recent interview. Please give examples from your real time/ live data project along with detailed procedure/ work mechanism and explanation along with path and t-codes if any? Please answer this question asap.... Its Urgent.... Looking forward for your express reply...I have interview within 1-2 days. So, give reply to this query asap.. I would be very grateful to you for your timely help.Thanks in advance. Regards
Where Can I find Building Blocks?
i got a problem in printing checks online through sap. problem is that geting printing towards left i want print it in a proper position where do i configure this?
How can we configure Input Tax settings in MIRO(Third Party Sales)?
There are 2 materials,for 1 material we need to create credit note (in return order) and for another material we donot want credit note (return order procerssing). is there any standard settings? or by enhancements? then how?
How we can see the credit reports.