How to create sales group?
At how many places do we do availability check in SD? When the availability check is done in sales order, what is the need to do it again in deliveries?
Does sap transportation management come bundled with geographical information systems (gis) capabilities? : transportation management
What is the routine used for rounding off in pricing procedure?
3 Answers Fujitsu, IBM, Tata Technologies, Wipro,
I have created a sales order for 4 line items,I have created a delivery and I did the goods issue and when I am trying to create billing document , 2 invoices are created , what would be the cause?
what does "update" means in Automatic credit control? How you can use it?
What is the functionality of Status Profile?
I have two different terms of payment one is grace period of 10 days and other one is 15 days. Now I have two set of materials, one is set A and other one is Set B. If a customer initiate a sales order for Set B materials then the customer should get terms of payment of 15 days or else I should get 10 days terms of payment in sales order. How can I overcome this.
Explain Customization ,unit testing ,Validation , Integration testing user acceptance for enhancements & developments & Configurations
At which stage is your implementation project currently? Are you involved in Documentation of your project? At present are you in data transfer stage? What does data transfer means?
Explain the differences between Return Sales Order & Credit memo request in detailed along with detailed procedur, t-codes & steps and include your real time live data examples from your project? Please reply asap... Urgent!!!! Waiting for your response eagerly... Thanks in advance
How is shipping point determined?
why we assign the credit control area to sales area?