What is the difference between normal report program and
module pool program?
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Answer / malli.gontla
Reports are created from abap editor
Report is evaluate data from database,and displayed in list.
Report are standalone programs.
Reports are controlled be events.
Module pool is nothing but transaction, created from object
Transaction is the sequence of screens. In module pool at
least one screen is participated.
Module pool is not standalone programs.
PBO,PAI and screen flow are important events
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Answer / bhanu
report is dispalying in application serve as per normal
requirement.it is used in transaction code -
se38.techniaclly speaking report is an excuatable program
with 3 stages.
DATA INPUT (select screen)
DATA PROCESSING (select statement)
DATA OUTPUT (defining output types in
write,uline,skip,output fields)
module pool program are dialog program
dialog program are used to call transaction
this are used in customizing of screens
this are more flexible than reports
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Answer / madhu.achanta
Report is displaying in application serve as per normal requirement. It is used in transaction code -se38. Technically speaking report is an executables program with 3 stages.
DATA INPUT (select screen)
DATA PROCESSING (select statement)
DATA OUTPUT (defining output types in write,uline,skip,output fields)
Module pool program are dialog program. Dialog program are used to call transaction. These are used in customizing of screens. These are more flexible than reports.
Using reports we can select data from database as per selectioncriter and process it and display it on screen. We can also write BDC program to upload or download data. The selection screen can be designed in which user gives his requirement. The limitation is that complex selection screen cannot be designed. In case of modulepoolo the above can be achieved, but we can create complex selection screen and output screens also
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