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NTT Data Interview Questions
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How to select the observations randomly from a SAS dataset

7 25376

What are your weaknesses / areas of improvement ?

37 1202967

what is the difference between user-exit & customer-exit?

4 60819

what is difference between po_headers_all and po_headers

2 24658

how did spent your yesterday?

49 502840

"you r graduated as ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNCATION ENGINEER, then y u r looking for a job in IT side"?

5 11498

How to attend the HR round,which type of questions are there.


Explain in detail about the VMS- Vehicle Management System in SAP ?

3 18759

1.What is the difference between append structure and include structure. 2. what is the logging of technical setting while creating db table.

5 49382

what is need of function group for function modules whereas there is no need of for subroutines?

2 12315

can I use “drop” statement in the utility “fload”?

2 16112

How can i explain RICEF with example in interview?

4 65953

What is revenue recognition.

1 4628

how to sort numbers in sap-abap using internal tables without using sort technique.

3 13588

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Un-Answered Questions

What is the difference between primary key, foreign key and candidate key?


What is Hardware Drivers?


What is difference between oop and pop?


what do the sas log messages "numeric values have been converted to character" mean? What are the implications? : Sas programming


we are import a cnc machine, we have availed customs duty, CVD & Additional duty credit?


How to Execute a program from my application?


What is ios class in c++?


What is rdram?


How to view all columns in an existing table?


Tell me about % include and % eval? : sas-macro


How do you organize the pig latin statements?


Hi Team, This is kartik, I recently completed my B-tech. Importance of posting this question is for to know the best books on SQL(MYSQL/Oracle)? I like SQL concept's so much, at the same time i decided to choose SQL for my career purpose. So please suggest me the best books that are very helpful for a fresher to improve concepts like (SQL/PLSQL)Basics, programming concepts, architectures etc. Please consider my request as an important one. I am very thankful to you for providing this opportunity. If possible can you please send the names of books for my personal id also: Thanks, Kartik T


Difference between Sync Vs Async Plug-ins?


Describe the Managed Execution Process


What are the three types of artificial intelligence?