How do we get a proper list of vendors to send an rfq?
How to create a new movement type with reference to 541 m.type? Can you explain in a business case why it is required? How to link the trans.keys to this new m.type .
What do the we 103 do?
Tell cut-over Process in SAP MM?
what is access number in access sequence how do we define that ?
I have created schedule line for one PO that delivery date for some qty is for eg.20th of dec'09.but vendor delivered before that is it possible to post GR? AND actualy why we need to maintain scheduling agreements?
What is RTP?
I have situaition where, the items are prices on the bases of weight (KG). Now we are to run a offer where 20% extra is given free within the same pack (1KG + 202G free). It means new material with its own specification. The client want to maintain the same price for the 1.2 kg pack. It is not ready to reduce the price on quantity basis. How can be make a functionality where, the system will calculate the price for 1 kg only while the material net weight is 1.2 kg.
Outline 'stock valuation methods' for material revaluation?
In blanket po we do not define the particular deptt where the material consumed, now we do the miro payment settlement , so my question that how to identify the consumed mat after sap that which deptt use this same?
What is the procedure to delete the Release Strategy, I need this in correct order so that System does not pop a error
best institute for warehouse management course
what is the difference bet standard & reference purchasing organisation