What is the procedure to delete the Release Strategy, I need this in correct order so that System does not pop a error
3 16336how to write a query without using where? Example- select * from employee where empno=10 I need to write this query without where clause.
1 2808Post New Alshaya Interview Questions
Explain the process configuration parameters - max jobs, flow limit & activation limit ?
How do I send sql query results to excel?
What is the ui path in rpa?
What is a dynamic route in angularjs and how do you implement it?
what is the performa of bank reconcilation ? i want to need it and also i want to know about tds entry for various sources such as rent,contractor, commission, etc. and how we make the tds return, please tell me its very urgent?
How do you feel when you are forced to do something at work which you don't want to do?
What is class extend in php?
Tell me how will you create a progress bar using bootstrap?
How doing qbd practically?
Mention what information does a .dbc file extension provides to connect to the database?
What are wmv files?
Our company is engaged in a business of Real state developer in andhra pradesh. we want to purchase some material from other states. we have central sales tax registration. whether we are eligible for issuing a form 'c' to the supplier being a deeloper.
Any idea about deflation and deflationary spiral?
What are the formatting tags?
How many numbers of rows tableau can utilize at one time?