What does an EXEC SQL stmt do in ABAP? What is the disadvantage of using it?
What are the classifications of the sap abap data classes?
My internal table exceed the limit. then it goes to dump. how will u handle this issue?
ABAP : Classical reports events name
you have to select fourth vendor no in basic list go to open new list ( secondary list) . what is the coding in interactive report ?.. tell me the coding clearly plz?...
IN scripts we have std layouts like medruk,in smartform do we have any?if i copy the std script in zscript and migrate will it work?
at which situation we create the secondary index?
What is the difference between a pool table and a transparent table and how they are stored at the database level?
what is ALE?
5 Answers IBM, Keane India Ltd,
Tcode for SNIP?
What is an rdbms?
How would you set the formatting options statically and dynamically within a report?
Hi to all abap guru's my question is how to print the page numbers like 2 4 6 on all pagess in smart forms means 2 on first page 4 on second page thanks in advance