Why we are using Macros instead of Function Modules
What are the payroll related Infotypes
How to populate signature in smartforms?where can we upload the signature?is der any tcode for it?
How many types of data classes are there in sap?
In Pooled and Cluster Tables, which table we can convert into Transparent Table?
can any one answer these questions 1)How do you convert non-character field to character field? 2)How do you work with semi colon separated files? 3)why cant we use normal function module for data transfer? 4)what is the structure of CTU-PARAMS? 5)can we use transfer dataset to transfer data in internal table?
What are the system fields? Explain?
What is the functionality of BIZTALK and how it handles the IDOC’s and how u will transfer the IDOCS to the BIZTALK ?
What is the difference between BAPI and RFC?
Whom you report if you face difficulty in understanding the business process given in Functional Spec.
Can you create a table with fields not referring to data elements? : abap data dictionary
what type of error will be seeing in the log file in SM35
What is a BAdi? How to implement a BAdi?