What are the parameters in bdc_insert? : abap bdc
Why do we use events and actions in web dynpro?
What is the difference between normal report program and module pool program?
3 Answers Atos Origin, Kaavian,
What are different ABAP editors? What are the differences?
how to use binary search in internal table?what is the use of indexes and secondary indexes?
difference between session and lsmw difference between bdc and lswm why u choose bdc instead of bapi
in real time with the help of scripts what we can do?
Static and instance variable and method with live example. Why and when to use
what are the steps in oops alv reports?
User has given the specification to display the Check boxes on the list, how will you handle this situation.?
How to maintain subtotals n grand totals in smart forms?
final entry BDC table?
If u r working with call transaction method .any problem occurs error records r stored in BDCMSGCOLL structure.How do u find that an error has occured at a particular point,how can u handle to rectify and process it successfully? If a file has 10000 records where 3 records doent having right format,how do u tackle with this issue either by using call transaction or session method to transfer data perfectly into database table?tell me the steps how to procede?