How do you find if a logical database exists for your program requirements?
Among "Move" and "Move Corresponding", which is efficient one and why ?
How do you display a data in a detail list?
What is sap script? Describe its components.
Function Module for smart forms?
What is the abap program name to process the batch input session automatically? : abap bdc
how can be restore a project deleted in lsmw?
Hello All ABAP Experts I am new player in ABAP field will you guide me. 1.How to check the program?(whether we have to put values of output in respective table plz explain) 2. How to show table links by reading technical specs ie., if we put vbeln from vbak to vbap we get plant no etc show by example 3. step by step process of abap debugger?After setting break point how to see internal table value field value etc
How will you define org structure in MM?
1)how can you write select statment in scripts(se71) with out touching the driver program
i want to change alighnment of windows in scripts.How can i do that?
can any body tell what is idoc archieving and how to do that
can u save internal table in sap memory from abap memory?
7 Answers Bristle Cone, Cap Gemini, HP, Satyam, Wipro,