What are the fields in a BDCTab Table.
What is the Use of LDB PNPCE in ABAP HR? what is NODES statement? I think we have to use GET PERAS event while using PNPCE. Can we use the same using PNP LDB? If yes,how? please give me some example to demonstrate PNPCE?
have you used performance tunig?what major steps will you use for those
difference between the workarea and headerline.plz tell me the answer
In Between events you can use loop Say Yes or No?
What is the Size of the internal tables ?
after creating lock object if does n't access record by second user what should we do?
how many index created for table
is it possible to upload material master data through BDC with one flat file containing both semifinished material & row material combined?????????
What is sap luw or update transaction?
What are the advantages of abap query tool?
Name the abap/4 modularization techniques? : abap modularization
How many sections main window cab be divided in Script?