after creating lock object if does n't access record by
second user what should we do?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using views in abap programming ?
What are the modes in lock objects? : sap abap data dictionary
what are the events used in LDB?
Name a few data dictionary objects? : abap data dictionary
what is EDI ,ALE , Debugging, Smart Forms ,IDOC'S & BDOC'S
2 Answers IBM, Yash Technologies,
what is Transport Request? why it is needed for us?
How can an internal table with header line and one without header line bedistinguished when passed to a subroutine?
What are the dis-advantages of logical databases? : abap hr
can any one tell me the types of smartforms
Difference between open sql and native sql? : abap data dictionary
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different types of bdc's?