How many sections main window cab be divided in Script?
What are the differences between structure and table in data dictionary in abap? : sap abap data dictionary
Which one is better joins or views and why?
We created ZEMP table now i want to add more data but previous data should not disturb how can i do this?
What is an update task?
What are the relational operations that can be performed on view in sap? : abap data dictionary
What is a matchcode?
will the messages in the call tr. Will be stored in the database?
Why do we use dynamic where conditions?
What is an abap dictionary? : abap data dictionary
what command will use in logical database for retrieve the data (select OR retrieve OR GET)
Can you assign a matchcode object to a parameter? If so how?
i want to populate 10 fields in smartforms..uptil 9th it is taking but 10th one is not populating?what might be the reason?