How many sections main window cab be divided in Script?
Which transaction code can I used to analyze the performance of ABAP program.?
How do you control printer functions from sapscript?
What are the function module types
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different types of bdc's?
Can I write AT SELECTION SCREEN & AT USER COMMAND event in single program?If yes how?and if no what error will it give??
Is there any method apart from bdc for data upload to sap? : abap bdc
What is SQL Trace, how would you carried out performance analysis of ABAP code using SQL Trace? Give the steps?
How to reprocess the failed IDOC? How wil u know idoc is failed?What are tcodes?
What is a drill down report?
Types of windows in SAP scripts?
9 Answers vCentric Technologies,
Difference between MACRO and SUBROUTINE ?
Differentiate between abap memory and sap memory?