What is the use of the absence quotas infotype?
Please find below tickets...if anybody has idea about the solutions plz giv answer ASAP.. · Leave Encashment Calculation for Trainee · On-Line Test · Disability Infotype · Balances in SAP HR module is not reconciliation · Change of State of HQ's · 1-NDFL form · ESOP – capture of Grants; Vesting and Ex · Need to modify the programe ZVENDOR_BLOC · Online Assessment Tool - Modifications · Issue in Leave quota generation · New Income Tax slab Rates-VR Payment · Unable to add absence quota balances · Grant on Child care in HR · Vacation compensation after employee left · Issues with Initial Set-up · file cannot be downloaded in speadsheet, · Bifurcating Payroll Area · Ptax Calculation · Leave quota is not displaying in Portal
What is the different type of wage types?
How do you combine organizational management (om) and personal administration (pa) data using infosets?
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What are problems generally faced while posting result to FICO ?
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Which elements determine the enterprise structure for personnel administration?
What are the features connected to organizational assignment?
What is the two level of data entry concept in recruitment?
Give me a brief description of the IT Tax
Online SAP HR training by a real time consultant CHENNA KESAVA REDDY, intrested people can reach me on ckreddyg@gmail.com or ckreddyg@yahoo.com.
Which is the transaction to create custom infotype?