Online SAP HR training by a real time consultant CHENNA
KESAVA REDDY, intrested people can reach me on or
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Answer / bk
what ever you are.Bloody f***8r...
This is not your Advertisment page....
Dont send this type of bloody add here
This is the discussion forum....
we people share here only different issue
we welcome you if you ask some question related to
Is This Answer Correct ? | 22 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / mitali
I agree with BK.
Chenna ...dont add this type of Question
We really welcome if you ask any question related to SAP
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / gopal
He don't know properly abcd's in SAP HR, how can he teach
others. My advice is never think about joining his training.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 1 No |
Integration between organizational management and recruitment?
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Is it possible to delete a posting that has already been run? If yes, how?
Can difference positions an be assign to one job?
Which infotypes are not delimited when an employee leaves the company?
What is a Work Schedule Rule?
What is meant by payscale structure? How did you configure payscale structure? How do you import payscale data from non SAP to SAP?.
what is the meaning of concurrent employmemnt? when it is used? what is the parameter and infotypes have accrosed while working
what is earliest retroactive accounting period
What is the use of matchcode w?
What is the difference between Simple Maintenance and Detailed Maintenance?
How you take care of retro?