What is negative time recording?
thx for answering my earlier questions.here are some more. what is payday rule and how is it calculated?what is the difference between payscale grp and payscale leval?
Where we will create the Vendor and vendor address?. Who is the vendor?
In om, how to get the details for group of employees (ex.) Group of drivers in the organisation?
Creation of wage type
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Hi can anybody help me how to start with PCR & Schema for Indian Payroll.
What is a date modifier? : hr- payroll
Why is this statement false? Personnel subareas are defined in R, are assigned to one Personnel Area only and can be used in directly defining authorizations.
What is the use of the applicant actions infotype (4000)?
What is the difference b/n Indian and US Payroll
What is a Work Center?
How do you create staff assignments?