What is the default value for personnel subarea and business area?
List the steps involved in creating a payroll results infotype (it 0402).? : hr- payroll
What do you mean by infotypes in sap hcm?
what is account assignment? where we assign employgroup and employee subgroup in OM? where we assign costcenters to positions in OM?
i want to run payroll for monthly,weekly and semi monthly same day for this i need to create different date modifiers or single date modifier?
What is the meaning of global employment in sap hcm?
What is the purpose of using additional actions infotype (aai)?
List the steps you would take to create the pay scale types?
If a company is having 2 company codes in 2 diff countries and maintaining 2 diff fisical yrs (India, US), when indian country is going to prepare Consolidated balance sheet in March, how can we receive data from US company code? How it is configured.
What is preview period?
What is counting (T556c) and counting class (T554c), what is the difference between cumulation’s and wage types cumulation?
What are the configuration to be performed for Residence Tax Area and Work Tax Area? Please specify each step.
How is a business object characterized in sap?