What is meant by read lock? : sap abap data dictionary
how to Implemented a BAPI to upload Payroll summary information into SAP R/3 system
What is the difference between table and template?
What is the exact difference between RFC and BAPI ?
What is the purpose of at first and at last?
In which system field does the name of current gui status is there?
diff way of handling errors in call trans ans session methods
In the performance standards we have SE30 for Run time analysis where it will show the system count,abap count,data base count if it is more than means then what we will do let us take my abap count will be some 30% and data base will be 60% and system count 50% now what i want to do
What is wage type
what is the differenc between table control and table control wizard?
what is the structure of itab of screen?
What are the dynapro keywords?