in webui how can we make a field mandatory
Types of profiles in lead & opportunity?
what is the solution manager roles in sap crm project? what is the debugging? why are using service process in sap crm? which type of errors comes in complaints and returns? how to create and assign item category in installed base? how to maintain service item for service process? how to use and how to process service contract in sap crm service project? we are missing price entry,which type of errors comes on complaints and return process?
Mention the various categories of lead ?
What is your service life-cycle?
0 Answers Cap Gemini, Infosys, TCS, Wipro,
explain any tickets you faces in support and how you solved it?
tell me about Landscape?
Hi, my interview is scheduled for IBM.can any on send sap crm id is in advance. siri
How to send emails Target gorup ( Customers) in Email Compaign Pramotion? pls send crm intervivw questions
how do we create segmintation in marketing?
What is the integration between marketing and erp?
How do you map org. structure?
Explain the usage of customizing includes in the business transaction?