my interview is scheduled for IBM.can any on send sap crm
faqs.my id is siri.testing@gmail.com.thanks in advance.
What is the significance of billing relevance field?
can anyone plz send me some solved tickets regarding base customization ,lead mdmt and CIC .plz reply
0 Answers Cognizant, Logica CMG, Nilkanth,
6)how do you determine texts?
What is rebate processing?
Explain marketing planning?
How can the user update product category description in different languages via data workbench?
what is the basic THUMB RULE for SAP-CRM
Give the path for creation of service processes
question related to interview of sap crm functional consultant
What reports does a sap-crm functional generate?
What do you mean by sap crm sales?
why we will assign ratio to target groups in segment builder tool