Can we modify data in data base table using view?
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Answer / sunil kumar gautam
It is possible only in Maintenance view.
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Answer / sivaramakrishna
Data base view: On multiple tables using inner join, using this view we can read the table data only can't maintain.
Projection view: On single table to minimize the data base interface using this view we read and maintain the data of single table
Help view: On multiple tables , specially designed for search help.Mostly we don't use help views except for search help.
Maintenance view:On multiple tables using inner join, using this view we can read the data and maintain the data also. But as sap suggested mostly we don't use this view .
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Answer / m damodar sai
DataBase View : this view can be built over many tables
Data can be modified if the view is built over a single table.
Projection View : this view must be built over a single table
Data can be modified through this view.
Maintenance view : Data can be modified using this view , but generally these prefered when data distributed to several tables forms a logical unit for the user.
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Answer / sourav
In projection view, we can modify the data in database table.
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