What are the three components of a work process?
In BDC,i have 3 transaction and one flat file with data for all those 3 transaction requires........i want to process these 3 transaction at a time using that single flat file,if 3rd transaction fails to upload the record,can we roll back the remaining 2 transaction or we can't?Is it possible in BDC,How?
What are field groups?
Difference Between Protect and EndProtect?
what are the Joins used for internal Table?
what is the difference between interface and global diffinations in smartforms?
Explain about workbench request and customization requests?
2)what is the differnce between user exits and Badi
Where do you use help views?
What is the purpose of creating symbolic a/c, what is transaction code for same? Can we assign one symbolic a/c to multiple wage types? : sap abap hr
What is the difference between Customizing Data, Master Data and Transactional data?
pls tel me......how we link two fields by using foregin keys between two tables in sap abap?
What are the different attributes that can be assigned to a variant?