Write special commands of list?
what are the problem we face during development( if we say v are in support(development)? what are the critical problems araises during LSMW updation and Smart form layout development for involce and po? very very important questions now a days commonly asking..plz plz reply me
What is the difference between internal tables and extract datasets? : abap modularization
how will u handle multiple line items in a table control?
What are smart forms?
How to load data from ms excel sheet to sap by using bdc method ? : abap bdc
How can you manipulate the presentation and attributes of interactive lists?
how can i find which report(abap program) assign to which sap script? or how can we find sap script is assign to which progam?
What are the views when we are creating Material ?
when do you need to create an internal table with header line ?and with out a header line?
How do you backup Sapscript layout sets? Can you download and upload? How?
what is the difference between upload and WS-Upload?