In Release strategy, 1. can we create class first and then characteristics. Can u edit the characteristics.
2. How will you cancel the release strategy even if the documents are in process of approval or pending for approval. If cancelled, will all the documents waiting for approval will get automatically approved as release strategy will no longer be apply to them.
3. Which standard reports are available to pending Purchasing documents for approval.
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Answer / ruchi tiwari
1.we can create class and then characterstics, its possible,but it will be better if we create characterstics first and then class.
2.yes we can edit characterstics.
3. If documents are in process, we can not cancel release strategy,we will not be able to delete characterstics and class if documents are pending or in process.
4.standard reports are available to pending Purchasing documents for approval, we check in t.code ME5A, ME2N or in EKKO table also we can check.
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Answer / pratap barik
first we can create characteristics then class .in class we can assign characteristics.
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Answer / ruchi tiwari
Yes we can create class first and then characteristics.
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Answer / siddarth
Please follow the below simple steps to create the release procedure.
1. Create the characteristics like what do u want net order value or document type plant any thing
in additional tab you can give the table name and field name example ekko-gnetw.
2. Create the class cto4 t-code
3. Assign the characteristics to our class.
4. then create the Release startgey
create the release group with 2 digit code
create the release indicators like B,R
5.Then create the release codes maximum 8 digits only
6.Then select the prerequsities ,set the release status, and classification tab you can assign our characterstic values. then simulation.
Please follow the below steps to create the release procedure.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 7 No |
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