Can anyone tell me in consignment which process is liable for availability check?
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Answer / chandra
In Consignment FillUp, In Consignment Issue and In Consignment Pickup
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Answer / deepak dave
The schedule line category controls whether availability check.
If you see all the schedule line cat E1/C1/F1 is liable for availability check. Accept returns which is D0 without AVC.
So Consignment Fill-up,Issue,Pick up is active for AVC and CoNS returns is not (as it is not required)
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1. Consignment fill up:
Movement type 631 and set for availability check and TOR.
2. Consignment Issue.
Movement type 633, relevant for availability check and TOR.
3. Consignment Return:
Movement type 634, NO availability NO TOR.
4. Consignment Pick up:
Movement type-632, MRP, availability check, delivery.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / ashraf sheikh
Hi Tarun,
System check two times AVC becoz first at the time of consig. Fill up - on this stage stock move from URUS to consigment stock but still stock in hand of employer.
Second Consigment Issue - when customer start using the stock at the time also system check the AVC becoz at the time you have to create consigment Issue order
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Answer / ashraf
Hi Tarun,
In Consigment Process AVC on Consigment fill up and Issue.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / sudam swain
hi tarun,
only in consignment fill up process
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 9 No |
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