what is the significance of sub-total in pricing procedure
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Answer / manoj kumar guin
The value of this field determines where the values of
sub-totals table to be captured that is in which table and
which field.
Controls whether and in which fields condition amounts or
subtotals are stored.
These condition amount or subtotals are used as a starting
point for further calculations.
It is also used for reporting purposes .
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Subtotal specifies whether and in which tables the
condition values are to be stored, so that those values can
be used to calculate for some other functionalities in run
time. ex A - carry over price to KOMP-CMPRE,
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Answer / prasad p
Sub-total is a field in Pricing Procedure which posts the
condition type values to the ABAP Tables.
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Answer / sandeep
Subtotal stores the condition type values in temporarily tables for do further calculations.
And subtotal also will used to pass the values from sales document to credit mgmt & Rebate agree ment
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