In out put determination what is the necessity for
maintaining the output condition records.Please
explain.Regards Naga
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Answer / mohan
Basically Output determination will work based on condition
technique(tables/acces sequence/otuput type and then assign
output type to procedure and procedure to required document
Hence condition records are necessary to get the output
type automatically in to the order/deliver/billing for
different kinds of combination. Say for example if you
maintain condition records for the said below combination
for the billing then the system will bring the outputs
automatically in to the billing if it meets the required
Key combination
Billing type/Customer
Biliing type/sales org/customer
Export Order type/shipping point/customer
Now if you create the normal inovice,system will try to
find the record based on the billing type and customer and
now the system finds the first combination as suitable and
will determine the output type in to the invoice
Like the first combination system will check for other
combinations as weill. Suppose if its export order then
system will go for the third combination and will determine
the record. Hope this helps. Thanks
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Answer / ashok kumar sahoo
Out put control used Two functions- Output determination and output processing.
We need to co-ordinate with ABAPers for output processing.
Output determination is carried out through condition technique in SD
-For sales activities
-For Sales and delivery documents
-For Billing documents
Output can be determined from customer master, but it is recommended that Output in sales document through output determination procedure(Condition technique).
Output can be determined separately for Sales document header and Sales document item level.
If you create new condition table, access sequence, condition types and output determination procedure, it is to start with Z.
Condition Table- You have to define combination of fields for which you want condition records in condition tables of output, if standard condition tables does not meet your requirement. In case of new condition table enter name of condition table, the number of table must be between 501 to 999,Select the fields for table from allowed fields and generate new condition table. T-code V/57
Condition Record: VV11
I Disk Solutions
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