02. a. The diagonal of a 9 cube……………
b. Surface area of 9 cube……………
c. Volume of 1-3 cube ……………
d. Compressive area of 6 cube ……………
e. Top & Bottom face of a Cylinder/Cube is to be proper
leveled to deliver the…………………………..…… properly.
what is the exact dia of 8swg and 10swg gabion wire
what"s the cement, sand, aggregate(consumption) quantity for 10 cm thick roof slab (1:2:4)
the shearing strength of cohesionless soil depends on
What is "L" provided at the base of column??
For M30 grade how much cement bags will need for one cubic meter qty
what is work of planning deptt. in any construction compny (in road project)
do we consider shrinkage factor for calculating cement consumption for CM mixes for different works?
What is difference between limit state and working stress method? How it is applies in building structure.
what will do when 7days concrete has failed and structure has constructed?
different types of footing. and difference between footing and foundation
Can anyone give me the thumb rule for calculating the time required for construction based on quantity of concrete, Reinforcement, shuttering, etc
Why alternate bars are given bent-up in slab and how to decide the length of bent up?