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Answer / jai
we can't delete the customer in sap.we can put deletion flag for selected customer by using this t code xd06....
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Answer / debajyoti
No in standard SAP, we cannot altogether DELETE a customer.
We can use "Marked for Deletion". When we assign "Marked
for Deletion" to any customer the customer code and details
will be in the database but system will not allow us to
transact with the Customer.
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In an Interview interviewer asked me "what are your responsibilities in the project(Support & Implementation). What exactly you do in the project". What can i reply for this question. Ply reply me anybody. Thanks in advance. Ramesh.
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In interviews interviewers asked me "What is your role and resposibility in your project. What is the answer for this questions. Pls answer me anybody for this. Thanks in advance.
all viewers i tell one thing pls dont write negitible answers pls this is advice for all of thank u
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