what is the difference b/w item cat group and general item
cat group?thank in advance
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1/ Item category group determines the behaviour of the item
whether it is value item,free item, etc and how this item
behaves in sales order.General item catagory group
determines the category of the item like trading
goods,service goods,& finished goods etc..
2/Item catagory group is for sd to configure the item
catagory if you make anything here it will affect in your
sales document process .General item catagory group is used
by mm if you made any change in that it will not affect in
sd .
3/ General item catagory group is irrespective of sales
organization where item catagory group is for particular
sales organization
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Answer / kumar
General item category group is for determine item type whether it is value item or text item.
where as item category group is for determine item category of line item.
Please correct me if i am wrong.
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Answer / shriya
I partially agree to Avinash except the second point . Both
have a role to paly in the sales documentation .
Item category group refers to the material type and to
which material charecteristics does this belong and is
configured in MM02 in basic data 1 tab where as Item
category group is from the sales porspective which is
defined in sales org 1 tab or in vov7
Based on the Genral Item category group one can define
the item category group
Eg : In the general Item Category goup is given as BANS
then the item category group is TAS AND IN Sales docment we
can clearly understand that that the line item material
belongs to Third party and should have a purchase
requisation created for this in schdule lines
Similaryly if the Genaral Item Category Group is given as
ERLA then the corresponding item category group is TAQ
which refers that this line item will have set of
components associated and has pricing associated
So what avinash says that general Item category will not
effect the sales document is not right
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