what is ppc????
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Answer / er. salim nagori
Portland Pozzolana Cement.
It is a cement which content some fixed percentage of
flyash, in order to reduce certain factors;
1) Cement content
2) Heat of hydration
3) Reduces % of voids in concrete, etc.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 50 Yes | 3 No |
It is a cement which content some fixed percentage of
fly ash, in order to reduce certain factors;
1) Cement content
2) Heat of hydration
3) Reduces % of voids in concrete, etc.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / sam
Plain cement concrete when it is refered in structural
diagram. portland pozzolon cement when it is refered in
topics releated to cement.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
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