What is common distrubution channel and division.
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Answer / shiva
The use of Common Distibution channel and Divsion is
reducing the master data maintenance and avoiding master
data duplication within a sales organization.
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Answer / shakeer
If we set a common distribution channel for eg sales org, dis cannel division 1000,10,01 if we set 10 as the common distribution channel for 12,14 then we need not create separate master records for each distribution channel. It minimises the master record maintenence. It is applicable to access customer master, condition master & material master. It is also limited to company codes.
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Answer / shriya
Comman distribution and comman divison comes for you master
data ( custoemr and material ) . The reason was to why
comman is used on account to specific assigment.
Eg :
On sales organisation can have number of sales are
comproisng of number of distribution channle and divisons .
While creating a customer or materila one needs to specify
as to for whcih sales area combination is taken for the
customer so as to understand the sales functionality for
which we need to assig a distribuiton and division this
is done in master data by specify commanon distribution ot
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