how can u assign firefighter ids from one firefighter admin
to another firefighter admin if current admin leaves from
organization without told to any body?
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Answer / ram thota
Take the UserId of the left over the company person and go
to SE16 tcode and type table name /virsa/zffusers and the second column enter the userID of the left
over person and execute and it will give the list of
assigned FF_ID'S to that user,note that FF_ID'S and
run /n/virsa/vfat tcode and go to maintain FF_ID's table
and replace it with the new person User ID.
Br/Ram thota
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Answer / kishore
/n/virsa/vfat --> Select Owners -->
In Menu Tab Selection --> By Contents --> FirefigtherID
Owner = "Give the person id who left" --> Choose.
Then it will show the list of Firefighter ID Verses FFID Owner
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Answer / laitha
We can delegate approver deligation to another person in my home work centre in grc
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