How can I find List of users in system who dont have any
role assigned (Role Tab Blank) but created in system ?
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Answer / sudha
Take the Two tables Usr02 and AGR_USERS.
USR02 contains all the users information
AGR_USERS contains the users who has roles attached to their
Filter the data of these two tables then you will get the
list of the user who don't have any roles assigned
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / vasu.g
Hi Anju yes you are correct but one small correction...
follow below steps,
1.Go to SUIM--->User---->User by Complex Criteria---->Users
by Complex Criteria--->click on execute Put * in users tab
2.At Roles tab if you click on Arrow button you will get a
window Multiple selection for roles in that window go to
"Exclude Single Values" at this tab you give values as your
role names(Ex: if your role names starts with Z or X and
standrded SAP roles S, if u give Z* it will exclude the
users assgined to Z* roles)
3. click on Execute this will give you the list of Users
who are not assgined to any roles in the system...
Hope this would be usefull....!!!!
Try this and let me know if any doubts...!!!
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / deepak popalkar
I have one option to get this list.
First find list of users who has atleast one role assigned
using SUIM option "With User assignment" and then find all
users in system using option "Users by address Data".
Then go to table USR02/USER_ADDR and put 2nd List under
option "Select Values" and put 1st List in option "Exclude
But I want another short cut option using which I will get
this list in one short. Plz advice
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / anju
Go to SUIM-->Users by complex criteria--->Put * in users
tab-->Execute it
It will display you list of users list who is existing in
system. Now to take the
roles assigned to user Just click of roles tab which will
display the list of users assiged with there role access.
Correct me if i am wrong...
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ashwini m
by USR02 and AGR_USERS table we can find it..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
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