what is the difference b/w GSB and WMM?
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Answer / abhineet srivastava
WMM mix is produced by Well controlled Pug Mill type plant and the WMM material is Designed product and purpose of WMM is to resist water to reach upper DBM or DGBM layer.
GSB is mixed any method just to achieve desired gradation
and purpose of GSB layer is either As filter layer or as Drainage Layer to let the water out of Layer.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 119 Yes | 14 No |
Answer / ayush sharma
GSB- granular sub base
WMM-water mix macadum
both are used for giving a perfect base
Is This Answer Correct ? | 75 Yes | 28 No |
Answer / shams
I think not only difrent by water but difrent by size......
Is This Answer Correct ? | 42 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / kamal chhetri, material engine
GSB= it is the foundation layer of the road pavement, comprising the materials of required sizes as specified in the gradation table, having LL <25,PI <6 and and CBR>30% in order to meet the strength, filter and drainage requirement of the granular sub base and compaction more than 95%
WMM= It is the structural component of the road pavement, comprising the clean and crushed material of sizes as per the gradation required, having PI<6 and strength of the aggregates should not be less than 30% by LAA or AIV and compaction >98%.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 31 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / gaurav bansal
i think only difference b/w them si in wmm water is added
and mix in good manner.........
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 15 No |
Answer / satish tiwari
Lab testing in different and particle size and job mix according and moisture
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / rahul
There is a difference
of size but the main
factor is of water
that we just
prepaired the bed
with best compected
NGL, cured with water
then we get down the
gsb on that bed, but
i think that we
easily make wmm with
out any water cured
but the NGL is in
better position.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 11 No |
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